Our Values - 14R's
Our values drive us to take the decisions we make.
- Respect: We respect the nature, people and the resources for the value they have added to our childcare and education setting, the environment, community and the world. It can be the mother earth, farmer, chef, educator, labourer, lawyer, doctor, nurse, cleaner, counsellor, engineer, scientist or politician in producing, cooking, teaching, labouring, advocating, designing, leading, reflecting and monitoring values to build healthy, spiritual and ethical skills and knowledge to sustain our worldly space.
- Respond: We respond to child's voice, both verbal and non verbal signals and cues. We aim our response to be warm, sensitive, prompt and appropriate. We understand children's queries, thinking, theories, interest and needs. We use child voice to guide our curriculum.
- Remember: We try to understand why its in the market and remember the times we spent without it. We consciously encourage to think 'Do we really need it to make us happy?' or "How can we have a better time without it?" We emphasize natural happiness, engagement, and skill acquisition with minimal use of plastic toys, which can limit creativity and critical thinking. Instead, we play with natural articles and real-life items to foster creativity and deeper thinking.
- Refuse: We refuse to buy the additions, or the things we don't really want. We refuse to put in the market the services that are not essential or damaging to child development in early years. Donate what we don't use to charity to support UN No poverty Goal 1
- Reduce: We think of what we can do to reduce energy consumption ie. electricity, water and even our time to be used efficiently. We switch the lights off when we are not in the room, we switch the tap off until we finish putting soap on. We grow in the allotment and support UN 'waste less food and support local farmers' goal 2, Affordable and Clean Energy Goal 7, reduces inequalities Goal 10 supporting marginalised and disadvantaged.
- Recycle: We recycle what is recyclable, reduce plastic waste and target to bring plastic free or reusable packaging policies to significantly cut down on ocean pollution. We know recycling takes a lot of energy, Therefore, where possible we go for a compostable option over recyclable options. when we recycle, Support UN 'Responsible consumption and production' Goal 12, life below water Goal 14 and learning about biodiversity on livelihoods. We promote technology and nature to increase early scientific knowledge more about life under see and regularly visit the Frenches pond and actively participate in keeping the community pond area plastic free. We discourage using glitter in our art corner.
- Repair: We Google, YouTube, go to the library or ask for help to self-train ourselves to develop our repair skills to fix things we love. We do not buy new things before we trying to repair the broken ones.
- Reuse: Support UN Industry innovation and infrastructure Goal 9, by investing on the latest technology in IT in education, reuse broken and reusable items in creative art, storing resources (glass bottles, plastic food trays), using neighbourhood building waste materials ie. wood for building blocks etc.
- Rethink: We invite our children for beautiful provocations that lead us all to gather knowledge in protecting our environment. Our invitations to adults are to use both invitations and provocations as means to provoke own professional learning.
- Return: If we do not need something anymore, we return it back to the original owner or give it away for others uses i.e. writing books for brail writing or printed books and toys for charity use.
- Reflect: We support UN 'Good Health and Wellbeing' Goal 3, Quality Education Goal 4, Gender equality Goal 5, clean water and sanitisation Goal 6, Decent Work and economic growth Goal 8 with Disability Confident Employer commitment, respecting 'life on land' goal 15, peace justice and strong institution Goal 16 to stand up for human rights, and work in partnership Goal 17 with the government for sustainable development. We follow Gibs reflective cycle to strengthen our individual practice and to align with our shared values. We work in partnership with Surrey County Council and multi agency professionals to improve outcomes for children and their families, we educate our team to continuously develop and upskill as professionals and work towards promoting well being and happiness of all involved with a community sense.
- Repurpose: We repurpose our daily recycling to play and learn. Support sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 11. We visit cultural and heritage places like national trust to strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard them. Encourage and role model helping once loved people in need at least with a word of comfort, retracting vulnerable peoples expertise and knowledge for common good of people, and repurposing once loved or used items by adapting them for different purposes i.e. redesigning the pallet board in to a children's art board.
- Rot: We segregate organic waste into a compost container, transforming it into nutrient-rich compost for our garden. This process is integrated into our curriculum, teaching children about the natural world. Rotting wood logs in our garden serve as a natural science haven, where children learn about insects and the entire decomposition cycle, from tree cutting to soil enrichment and the growth of fungi like mushrooms.
- Restore: We support Goal 15: Life on Land which focuses on protecting, restoring, and promoting the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. We have taken little and sustainable steps to created a bee friendly environment and restore and take efforts to nourish the grounds we have destroyed in the past and keep them green. Our allotment is a bee friendly allotment and children learn how to help grow bee friendly plants both inn the allotment and Cygnets setting to help Bees play their crucial role in terrestrial ecosystems as pollinators. Our setting made story books with children are regularly used to educate children, parents, team members and the local community (through website access to story books) about the nature and their harmonious involvement in protecting our eco system.
- Refill: Climate Action Goal 13 growing trees and plants to increase and refill oxygen levels and educating children and the community. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production by reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. we purchase refillable containers to promote sustainable practices and the efficient use of resources. we support Goal 14: Life Below Water by reducing marine pollution, including plastic waste, which is mitigated by adopting refillable and reusable products. We actively promote Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by adopting a lifestyle that reduces the environmental impact of cities. This can be achieved through initiatives such as using reusable shopping bags, leveraging technology like the Refill app to locate refill stations, avoiding single-use plastic cups and containers, and incorporating Surrey's Single-Use Plastic Strategy to eliminate single-use plastics by 2042.